As summer gradually yields to autumn, the landscape undergoes a subtle yet profound transformation. Vibrant greens begin to fade, replaced by a palette of warm golds, fiery reds, and muted browns, creating a stunning visual tapestry. The air cools, carrying the crisp scent of fallen leaves and earthy foliage, signaling a shift in both the environment and the rhythms of life. Wildlife starts to prepare for the coming months, gathering food and changing behavior in response to shorter days. This transition invites reflection and appreciation for nature’s cycles, as each season unfolds its unique beauty and character
Ghost Tree Above Hilo Town
There is a stretch of the highway coming down from Volcano, Hawaii that has many mini-forests of giant albizia trees.
These trees grow so tall that they essentially kill themselves because their root systems are so shallow that wind can play a factor with their survival.
Others like this lone sentinel survive standing as a skeleton