Why Film Photography is Important to Me


I guess I have become somewhat jaded in my philosophy about where photography and by extension, culture in general, is today because of the “digital” revolution.

What would it be like to put away the Nikon DSLR for a year and work exclusively with my old Nikon film gear, and perhaps have my Rolleiflex TLR f2.8 Planar repaired?

What would it be like to concentrate on producing 20 phenomenal prints in a year, rather than weeding through 20,000 digital image files?

This point of view is intriguing to me because it would promote patience power with the gratitude of real craft.

Oh, I would probably have a hard time putting down the iPhone, I admit. I would consider it a sketchbook of ideas.

I wonder how other photographers of my generation that were raised on film feel.?

Any ideas?